- Common 1학기 [0009062] RISE
- In order to strengthen the capacity of research for students and faculty
- Common 1학기 [0006154] INTERNSHIP(Ⅴ-1)
- This program is designed to give students experience in their chosen career field and are an extension and application of prerequisite academic skills.
- This course is designed to provide students with basic science with basic physics experiments to learn the principles of nature and experiment with them to enhance scientific thinking and exploration. The purpose of these experiments is to cultivate basic skills necessary for advanced experiments related to basic science.
- 1 1학기 [XAA1358] CALCULUS(1)
- As a basic mathematics course for students in natural science college we study differentiation and integration of one variable real-valued functions, emphasizing basic concepts and applications. The topics are limit functions, continuity, derivatives, polar coordination and proper integrals.
- 1 2학기 [0004943] Introduction to Nano-Bio Engineering
- This course is the introductory class for recently basic bioengineering, (biochemistry, genetic engineering, nano-bioengineering, and nanodevices). For freshman, the content of the course has the difference between biology and bioengineering and several seminars for bioengineering and nanoengineering.
- 1 2학기 [XAA1359] CALCULUS(2)
- As a contiunation of "Caculus (1)" we study properties of partial derivatives, multiple integrals, series and matrices.
- 2 1학기 [0003794] Nano-Engineering Basic Laboratory(1)
- The analyzing methods of image observation of nano materials will be introduced and the experiments for images and structures observations of nano materials will be carried out.
- 2 1학기 [0001626] Physical Chemistry
- To learn theory of thermodynamics and equations of motion for the state of materials such as gas, liquid, and solid, and to understand the change and equilibrium of matter. In addition, based on basic knowledge such as electrochemistry and quantum mechanics, we explore the chemical reactions that occur between molecules.
- 2 1학기 [0001798] Biochemistry
- Biochemistry is a research field which explores life phenomena at the molecular level. It tries to understand and characterize the diversity of chemical changes and functions using chemical approaches. Students learn about biological macromolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids, the structure and catalytic mechanism of enzymes, the mechanism of the flow of genetic information, and biosynthesis and degradation of various biomolecules. By providing the basic principles of biochemistry, this course helps students apply their knowledge to such practical issues as nutrition, the environment, health, etc.
- 2 1학기 [0001621] Organic Chemistry(1)
- Organic materials are compounds that combine form living organisms. Living organisms are composed of organic materials such as carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, which contain carbon atoms in the spine structure. Therefore, organic materials in organisms are carbon compounds. This course explains different types of organic matter and their functions.
- 2 1학기 [0010582] protein structures and functions
- This course provides a detailed look at protein structure and function. At the end of this course students will be able to identify main the elements of protein and domain structure and understand the basis for identifying and understanding the nature of protein-protein binding sites and catalytic residues. We also cover aspects of how mistakes in protein folding leads to diseases such as cystic fibrosis and prion diseases.
- 2 1학기 [0001786] Inorganic Chemistry
- This lecture focuses on fundamental fields of nanobiotechnology. It aims to acquire fundamental knowledge of atomic structure, periodic rate, atomic properties, general properties of elements, coordination compounds, synthesis of inorganic powders.
- 2 1학기 [0009633] General Microbiology
- General Microbiology General Microbiology General Microbiology General Microbiology General Microbiology General Microbiology
- 2 1학기 [0000092] Fundamentals of Materials Science
- To understand improvement of modern engineering and industrial technology, We have lecture on importance of advanced material and basic theory of materials science. And we understand that how to product of advanced materials and it' applications.
- 2 2학기 [0003798] Nano-Engineering Basic Laboratory 2
- This course is for students majoring in nano-engineering who wish to learn the chemical experiments required in any laboratory. Experiments based on laboratory safety, operation of laboratory instrument, data editing, result analysis, material shaping, sintering of materials, material machining and qualitative/quantitative analysis will be the main part of the course. This course aims at cultivating the basic knowledge of nano-engineering.
- 2 2학기 [0001636] MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
- Introduction to the DNA structure, function, replication, transcription, selective expressions, differentiation, mutation and reassortment.
- 2 2학기 [0003797] Electronic Properties of the Materials
- This course is for students majoring in nano-engineering who wish to learn the electronic properties of the materials. In this course, electric, dielectric, piezoelectric, pyroelectric, magnetic, and optical properties of materials will be introduced, and their revelation mechanisms and applications will also be discussed. This course aims at exploring the essential qualities and significance of electronic properties of the materials and cultivating their basic knowledge and application competence.
- 2 2학기 [0001638] Advanced Biochemistry
- In this course, students, who have completed Basic Biochemistry, explore into the details of the chemical structure and function of the cellular components. They also gain knowledge regarding enzyme reaction kinetics, DNA structure and their chemical properties.
- 2 2학기 [0011181] Microbial Ecology
- Microbial ecology is the ecology of microorganisms: their relationship with one another and with their environment. It concerns the three major domains of lifeEukaryota, Archaea, and Bacteriaas well as viruses
- 2 2학기 [0001623] Organic Chemistry(2)
- This course covers definition of aromatic series, the electrophilic substitution reaction of aromatic substances, identification of molecular structure using spectroscopy, electrophilic addition reactions, nucleophilic acyl substitution reaction, carbanion reaction, and the reaction of amines and phenols.
- 2 2학기 [0005856] Biomedical Engineering
- This course will cover the various areas of Biomedical Engineering (eg., physiology, biosensor, bio-signal processing, optics, tissue engineering, design of biomedical instruments, medical imaging instruments). It is intended to facilitate the student’s understanding in areas of Biomedical Engineering and to provide a basic basis for a bio-engineer.
- 3 1학기 [0003795] Nano-Bio Engineering Laboratory(1)
- This course will provide laboratory work on the nanocluster, dendrimer, etc. for Nano-Bio Technology.
- 3 1학기 [0004292] Cell biology
- This course is for students majoring in nanobio-engineering who wish to use the nano-techniques for biological field. This subject is for teaching the basic functions of cells which is smallest unit of human body. Understanding the importances and characteristics of cells could be helpful to student in conjugating the nano-techniques to human body.
- 3 1학기 [0001222] Polymer Engineering
- Lecture on various functional polymer materials that can play an important role in nano-bio fusion technology development. This course deals with the design, synthesis, structure and properties of polymeric materials expected to be used in engineering polymers, conductive polymers, medical polymers, and bioplastics. This course deals with polymer polymerization, polymer properties, application of polymers and so on.
- 3 1학기 [0001803] Nano-device Engineering
- This course provides an overview of diverse nanodevices for biomedical and electronic application. Sessions will cover diverse nanoparticles, metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistor (MOSFET) and advanced application for biological and biomedical application.
- 3 1학기 [0005845] Brain Engineering
- This class will focus on the electrophysiology in brain. It covers a wide of ranges from basic structure of neuron to neural circuit, leading to understand how human can recognize the world through brain structures. Special effort will be on introducing brain recording and imaging including brain-machine interfaces. In addition, our class will discuss brain-related diseases and how to cure the diseases by using brain engineering technology.
- 3 1학기 [0007832] Biosensor Engineering
- In this class, research trends and key theories in the field of biosensors will be addressed. Furthermore, introduction toward principles, evaluation, and its application toward bio-sensors based on smart devices will be delivered. Through key activities, all of students will be cultivated to get basic insights on biosensors and their application toward IoT applications.
- 3 1학기 [0009525] bioelectronics engineering
- This course introduce for widely study for theory and devices of bioelectronics following; 1. the biocompatible materials 2. the bio-signal processing 3. the fabrication method and principle of devices for diverse bioelectronics devices
- 3 1학기 [0010117] Biological Tissue Engineering
- Biological tissue engineering that involves fundamental principles and techniques to design human tissues and organs aim to acquire multidisciplinary knowledge required for engineering the tissues and organs. Students in the class will be studying various natural/synthetic biomaterials, principles to engineer tissue/organ-mimicking scaffolds, and potential of the field via specific applications to therapies.
- 3 2학기 [0003799] Nano-Bio Engineering Laboratory 2
- This course will provide laboratory work on the biochip and device of materials for Nano-Bio Technology.
- 3 2학기 [0001807] Nano Carbon Materials
- Carbon nanotechnology will be introduced especially focused on advances in carbon nanotube materials. The principle of manufacturing processes for CNT and the mechanisms of formation of CNT will be studied. The purification methods of the manufactured products to separate CNT will also be considered.
- 3 2학기 [0002600] IMMUNOLOGY
- This course is a basic immunology course covering molecular and cellular immunology, including antigen and antibody structure and function, effector mechanisms, complement, major histocompatibility complexes, B- and T-cell receptors, antibody formation and immunity, cytotoxic responses, and regulation of the immune response. Completion of a biochemistry, genetics, or molecular biology course would be helpful.
- 3 2학기 [0001808] Bio MEMS
- This course will examine the operational principles and structures of various electronic instruments used in biomedicine for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Students will be introduced to the design and application of BioMEMS (Bio Micro Electro-Mechanical System).
- 3 2학기 [EQA6133] BIOMECHANICS
- This course applied in studying human muscleskeletion systems. In recent years, research applied force platform to study human joint reaction forces, 3D human movement.
- 3 2학기 [0010583] Analysis and application of biomechanics
- Analysis and understanding of cell, cartilage, tissue, muscle mechanics can help understanding of biological processes, such as development and disease, and development of disease therapies. In this class, students will learn cell migration, various biomechanics and specifically study current researches related the topic.
- 3 2학기 [0005906] Cell Engineering
- This subject is for learning the detailed cell characteristics based on the subject of cell biology. It provides the knowledge about cell division, migration, cell signaling etc.
- 4 1학기 [0011523] Capstone Design for NanoBio Engineering 1
- This course aims to prepare either a research paper or a review paper by analyzing scientific knowledge acquired through research and literature review. In addition, seminar programs with topics relevant to recent research or patent education will be offered to undergraduate students in the field of nano-bioengineering
- 4 1학기 [0005903] Bioimaging Engineering
- This class aim to introduce various imaging technologies which allow us to see what we can’t see. Special effort will be on introducing brain imaging technologies in order to understand brain physiology and brain-related diseases.
- 4 1학기 [0001660] Bioinformatics
- This course covers knowledge in collection and storage of sequence obtained from the lab, comparative analysis, analysis of phylogenies, database search for sequence analysis, gene prediction, protein classification, and genome analysis.
- 4 1학기 [0001653] Genetic Engineering
- Understand the meaning and usage of genes and understand the most basic regulation techniques of genes in biotechnology.
- This course aims to explore the functions (physiological functions) and structures (anatomical structures) of the human body.
- 4 2학기 [0006729] Capstone Design for Nano-Bio Engineering(2)
- Capstone Design for Nano-Bio Engineering(2)
- 4 2학기 [0001811] Nano Films Engineering
- Acquire various techniques for thin film materials and thin film fluorescence analysis methods, and improve understanding through mid-process evaluation. Students acquire various major knowledge on nano-thin film materials and practical knowledge on fluorescence microscopy, which is a basic tool for analyzing bio-fluorescent thin films.
- 4 2학기 [0004940] Nanomedicine
- Medical applications of nanobiotechnology and related research will be lectured. This lecture covers the various nano/biomaterials and novel nanobiotechnology for various biomedical applications such as nanoparticle-mediated drug/gene delivery, theranostic agents, molecular imaging, and medical nanodevices.
- 4 2학기 [0004176] Glycobiology
- This subject is for the teaching the importance of glycocalyx which is located in cell surface and learning the knowledge of the glycan biosynthesis and functions of glycoproteins.
- 4 2학기 [0001654] Biobusiness
- This course covers marketing, accounting, organizational behavior, finance, economics, negotiations and strategies as basic business management knowledge that are needed for biobusinesses. It also goes over venture enterprises, technology transfer, financing, listing, take-over, mergers and acquisitions, and deals with domestic and foreign biological company cases.
- 4 2학기 [0011525] Industrial Bioengineering
- learn and acquire biotechnology, biological features, and products used in actual industrial sites. Students will also learn about the core application technologies and process design needed to apply biotechnology to various areas of industrialization.
- 4 2학기 [0011524] Electrical Biomedical Engineering
- This course covers electrochemistry essential for the application of electronic devices to a biological environment, and extends this theory to electrophysiology and electrochemical biosensors to build electrochemical models of those devices. This knowledge can be also employed to design high-performance bioelectronic devices.
- 4 2학기 [0005857] Cancer Biology
- This subject is for teaching the basic theory and metabolism about cancer formation and it could be help to develop the anti-cancer drugs through Nano-techniques.