2020.02.26 서울대학교 (공학박사)
2014.02.21 한양대학교 (학사)
2020.12 ~ 2022.02 한국과학기술연구원(KIST) 복합소재기술연구소 (정규직-연구원)
2020.07 ~ 2020.11 삼성전자 DS부문 생산기술연구소 (정규직-책임연구원)
2020.03 ~ 2020.06 서울대학교 정밀기계설계공동연구소 (연수연구원)
Molecular origin of asymmetric yield surface of crosslinked epoxy polymers, POLYMER TESTING , 제143권(집) , 2025.02.01
Exploring synthesis techniques for an imidazole-based one-component epoxy latent curing agent: Chemical capping and mechano-chemical capsuling, Chemical Engineering Journal , 제500권(집) , 2024.11.15
Improved Finite Element Thermomechanical Analysis of Laminated Composite and Sandwich Plates Using the New Enhanced First-Order Shear Deformation Theory, Mathematics , 제12권(집) , 제7호 , 2024.04.01
Evaluation of Hydrogen Storage Performance of Nanotube Materials Using Molecular Dynamics, Composites Research , 제37권(집) , 제1호 , PP.32~39 , 2024.02.29
분자동역학 해석 기반 가교율에 따른 에폭시 폴리머의 항복 표면 형상 평가, Composites Research , 2023.10.15
Initial structural damage detection approach via FE-based data augmentation and class activation map, STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL , 제22권(집) , 제5호 , PP.3225~3249 , 2023.09.01
Multiscale Study to Investigate Nanoparticle Agglomeration Effect on Electrical Conductivity of Nano-SiC Reinforced Polypropylene Matrix Composites, MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES , 제30권(집) , 제12호 , PP.2442~2452 , 2023.05.03
Characterizing the biaxial compressive deformation behavior of epoxy polymer through cruciform experiment and finite element analysis, COMPOSITE STRUCTURES , 제305권(집) , 2023.02.01
Mechano-responsive spiropyran microbeads: a facile fabrication strategy for self-reporting materials, Advanced Materials Technologies , 제8권(집) , 제1호 , 2023.01.01
Multiscale constitutive model using data–driven yield function, COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING , 제216권(집) , 2021.07.01
Multiscale modeling to evaluate combined effect of covalent grafting and clustering of silica nanoparticles on mechanical behaviors of polyimide matrix composites, COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 제206권(집) , 2021.04.12
Prediction of quasistatic constitutive equations of moisture-absorbed epoxy polymers using atomistic simulations , Extreme Mechanics Letters , 제41권(집) , 2020.11.01
A multiscale framework for the elasto-plastic constitutive equations of crosslinked epoxy polymers considering the effects of temperature, strain rate, hydrostatic pressure, and crosslinking density, JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICS AND PHYSICS OF SOLIDS , 제142권(집) , 2020.09.01
Effect of molecular structure of curing agents on cyclic creep in highly–crosslinked epoxy polymers, JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE , 제58권(집) , 제12호 , PP.1617~1631 , 2020.06.15
Toward the constitutive modeling of high performance epoxy matrix : temperature-accelerated quasi-static molecular simulations consistent with the experimental test, COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING , 제142권(집) , PP.131~141 , 2018.06.01
Influences of the molecular structures of curing agents on the inelastic-deformation mechanisms in highly-crosslinked epoxy polymers, POLYMER , 제136권(집) , PP.128~142 , 2018.01.31